If your dog is allergic. General tips on caring.

Dogs can suffer from allergies like humans. Main sources of allergies are pollen, food, household chemicals, etc.  You need to be able to recognize canine allergy symptoms to relieve your dog when he suffers. Please, read the information below maybe our tips will be a help for you and your dog.

If your pet itches frequently, chew his tail, stomach, hind legs or even bites them, if he is licking his paws then it is probably allergy to inhalants or fleas. There are other symptoms to inhalants allergy like sneezing, coughing and watery eyes. Vomiting and diarrhea are often symptoms of food allergies. Symptoms like hives and rashes can be of any allergy type.

Think about the season. Usually inhaled allergies breaks out in the spring and fall. Flea allergies are commonly occur during summer.

Vet consult is needed if you observe any of the symptoms mentioned above. If your dog vomits or suffers from diarrhea take him immediately to a vet 'cause this can be a much bigger problem than allergy.

If you suspect that your dog suffers from food allergy but you can't detect which product causes it, consider the food he consumes. Usually food allergens include corn, beef, dairy products, wheat and soybeans. Vet consult will be nice. Maybe your vet will suggest special protein diet for your pet to determine which food your dog is allergic to. After a week of the diet you can gradually introduce other foods into the diet until you find what food causes problem. Your vet may also suggest allergy tests to find the allergen.

Allergy to inhalants, vacuum and dust occurs pretty often. Allergens are dust, mold spores, pollen grains, and household chemicals such as carpet cleaner and air fresheners. Bathe your dog in cool water shampoo or rinse him with aloe vera or oatmeal to help soothe the itchy skin. If your vet recommends antihistamines or drugs to soothe itching you may listen to him and take this recommendation.

Examine your dog for fleas, many dogs suffer from flea bite dermatitis (an allergy to a flea's saliva). Quality and regular grooming and frequent examinations, not only for fleas but flea droppings, can help eliminate this allergy. Today market offers lots of effective flea products of the kind: sprays, shampoos, topicals and pills. Again, an oatmeal or aloe vera bath can help to soothe the itching.

Contact allergies also occur. Some dogs are allergic to bedding (cedar wood chips and wool are two possible offenders), grass, or plastic food bowls. If your dog has acne on his chin and uses a plastic feeding bowl, consider switching to a steel, glass or ceramic feeding bowl.

Remember that!
  • Even one or two flea bites can case dog's allergies to fleas.
  • Certain dog breeds are more prone to allergies than others. If you are buying a purebred dog, you should ask the owner whether the parents have allergies, because allergies are inherited.
  • It is necessary to bring your dog to a vet if there are any symptoms of allergy, do not wait till your dog scratches his skin and infection occurs.
  • Do not apply flea products on irritated or broken skin; the chemicals could cause more damage.

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