Tips, recommendations and trivia about Bullmastiffs. Part 6

What You Need to Know about Bullmastiff

Useful tips, recommendations and various trivia about Bullmastiffs

My Bullmastiff

Quick Facts and Information

  • Weight: 100 to 130 pounds
  • Height: 24 to 27 inch
  • Life expectancy: from 8 to 10 years
  • Suffers from: hip dysplasia, tumors,eyelid problems, bloating, twisted stomach and skin allergies

Bullmastiff Traits

  • Fearless, strong, powerful, alert, and capable of great endurance.
  • Credo: love and devotion to the owner
  • Two smaller meals a day is better than one large meal
  • No supplemental vitamin C is allowed
  • Recognised by The American Kennel Club (1934)
  • Country of origin: England (1800s)
Kids and Bullmastiff.
They are good with children and protective of them. Joyful games with little boys and girls are what they crave for. In general, Bullmastiffs get along with kids. They have pretty high pain tolerance, and if kids pull tail or tug ears they do not usually snap.
If Bullmastiff shares a house with kids. Tips on safe living. - READ MORE!

Bringing home a Bullmastiff puppy. Safety first!
Think of a new Bullmastiff puppy as you would of a human infant. All Bullmastiff puppies are curious, inquisitive, and devoid of the learning experiences that help them to stay away from harmful substances or dangerous situations.
If you are a lucky owner of a Bullmastiff puppy - READ MORE!

Bullmastiffs vs other dogs and cats
It is possible that Bullmastiff can learn how to share house with cat. Unfortunately, sometimes Bullmastiffs with a high prey drive still have the temptation to chase cats.
We offer you step-by-step instruction - READ MORE!

Teaching your dog to play with toys.
Your best 4-legged friend and loyal companion can become a good playmate if you teach him on regular basis. Of course the first thing your dog should know is that he must always obey you, start from basic commands, play a game of fetch, dogs love it. Dogs also like catching a Frisbee.
We offer you step-by-step instruction - READ MORE!

Fleas make your pet's life awful. He itches all he time making deep scratches thus creating perfect conditions for skin allergies, inflammation and eventually infection. You probably notice that your dog becomes more and more irritated, stressed and aggressive.
Easy ways to get rid of fleas on Dogs. - READ MORE!

Puppy's schedule.
Hiving a puppy is like having a child - your daily routine changes. If you want to succeed in training your new dog you should think of schedule best suited for him and you and start accommodating him to it. Your puppy's schedule. - READ MORE!

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